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Anchor Down
The Damage Done
Danger Death Ray
Like Claws!
Northwest Punk Board
Random Orbits
Smooth Sailing


January 2009
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  • Fri 01/01/2009 - Hangover Fest, featuring The Damage Done, Success!, Marginal Way, The Hollowpoints, Koozbane, and Dictionhead at Grn Strp Haus, 3pm.
  • Sun 01/10/2009 - Andrew Jackson Jihad, Kepi Ghoulie, Ben Barnett, Partners in 818, and Like Claws! at Healthy Times Fun Club, 9pm.
  • Mon 01/11/2009 - Andrew Jackson Jihad, Kepi Ghoulie, Ben Barnett, Partners in 818, and The Damage Done at The Morgue, 8pm.
  • Thu 01/14/2009 - Success!, Random Orbits, Smokejumper, Heroes Amongst Theives at El Corazon, 8pm.
  • Tue 01/19/2009 - Nana Grizol, The Max Levine Ensemble, Iji, A Million Years at The Vera Project, 7:30pm.
Category:Events -- posted at: 1:22pm EST

Click here to download this episode!

Episode four is out the door! This episode continues the "Best of the Grn Strp Haus" radio series.

  • 0:41 - "True Story" by The Pillowfights, from Round One
  • 1:30 - "Identity Confused" by Down We Go, from From Up New Sleeves. Download it here for free!
  • 4:10 - "Slow Car Crash" by Classics of Love from Walking In Shadows
  • 6:49 - "Galloping Gurdy" by Smooth Sailing, from 2009 demo
  • 10:51 - "Exploding Houses, Dirty Floors" by Smokejumper from 2009 demo
  • 13:11 - "Southbound 280" by Mike Park from For The Love Of Music
  • 17:13 - "The Sickness" by The Hollowpoints, from The Black Spot
  • 21:31 - "Adventures, Baby" by Breaker Breaker One Niner, from their recent demo
Direct download: SPAZ004_Grn_Strp_Haus_Radio2.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:05am EST

Episode 003 - Interview with Success!

Click here to download this episode!

Episode three! This episode feature an interview and four songs from Seattle band Success! off of their self-titled full-length album. The interview was recorded on September 30th, 2009 in Seattle, WA.

Success! is:
Austin - Bass
David - Drums
Ian - Guitar
Rev - Guitar and Vocals

Photo by Ally Sin.
Direct download: SPAZ003_Success.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:05am EST

There are some great Seattle shows coming up in December. I'll probably add more in the second half of the month as time goes on.
  • Fri 12/04/2009 - Ben Russell's Memorial Show featuring The Damage Done, Smokejumper, Dragstrip Riot, and Like Claws! at The Funhouse, 8pm.
  • Fri 12/11/2009 - Melt-Banana, Tera Melos, and others at Chop Suey, 9pm.
  • Sun 12/13/2009 - Season Of Nightmares, The Arkhams, Dreadful Children, and Shakes at The Funhouse, 9pm.
  • Mon 12/14/2009 - O Pioneers!!!, The Damage Done, Requin at Galway Arms, 8pm.
  • Thursday 12/17/2009 - Like Claws!, Kevin Seconds, Kepi Ghoulie, Greg Attonito (Bouncing Souls) at El Corazon, 8pm.
Category:Events -- posted at: 6:37pm EST

Click here to download this episode!

Episode two is here! This is the first SPAZ Radio episode, featuring eight songs by bands that have played at the Grn Strp Haus in Seattle. Enjoy!

Show Notes:

  • 1:00 - "Crass A Nova" by Anchor Down, from Steel To Dust
  • 4:53 - "Gentlemen Prefer Tea" by Destruction Island, from Preaches The New Wilderness
  • 7:29 - "Rage Blackouts" by The Mark Sparkles, from Parking Enforcement
  • 10:37 - "Full House" by The Sweet Revenge, from Creatures of Routine
  • 12:45 - "Loose Teeth Don't Need My Help" by Like Claws!, from Prints & Things
  • 14:40 - "My Boss My Hypocrite" by Marginal Way, from Marginal Way
  • 17:49 - "Mind Eraser" by Shakes, from Shakes
  • 20:31 - "Revolution Schmevolution" by Success!, from Success!
Direct download: SPAZ002_Grn_Strp_Haus_Radio1.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:30am EST

In an effort to put out at least two episodes of the show each month, I have decided to launch SPAZ Radio. SPAZ Radio will consist of music-only episodes that will appear regularly between interview episodes, featuring songs by local and touring bands that have played shows in Seattle recently.

I hope to have a theme for each episode to help pick the music that I play. For the first several SPAZ Radio episodes, the theme will be "Best of Venue". For these episodes, I will pick songs by bands that I have seen play at a specific location in Seattle; the first one will be "Best of GRN STRP Haus"!

Since interview episodes come out on the 1st Monday of every month, I'm planning to release SPAZ Radio episodes on the 3rd Monday of every month. However, the first SPAZ Radio episode may be a bit late, since I am just now getting started on it. We'll see!

Category:News -- posted at: 5:31pm EST

I've decided to start posting small lists of upcoming shows on a monthly basis. After all, the whole point of SPAZ is to promote local music. The listed shows will mostly be the shows that I am planning to attend or would at least like to attend if I'm able. There are lots of great places on the internet that list shows more comprehensively than I ever could, so I'll leave that to them and just tell you where you might see me!

Here are the shows I currently have written down for November:

  • Wed 11/04/2009 - Koozbane, Random Orbits, Deathlist5, Rebel Skum, Rev (of Success!) at Studio Seven, 7pm.
  • Thu 11/12/2009 - Erin McKeown at The Tractor Tavern, 7pm.
  • Sat 11/14/2009 - Teenage Bottlerocket, Cobra Skulls, The Cute Lepers, Head at El Corazon, 8pm.
  • Fri 11/20/2009 - Smooth Sailing at The Rendezvous, 8pm.
  • Sat 11/21/2009 - The Damage Done, Shakes, Smokejumper at Grn Strp Haus, 8pm.
  • Tue 11/24/2009 - Off With Their Heads, Municipal Waste, Phobia and Cauldron at El Corazon, 8pm.

I will update this list as new shows come to my attention!


  • Tues 11/10/2009 - The Damage Done, Requin, and others at The Bit Saloon, 8pm.
Category:Events -- posted at: 6:37pm EST

Episode 001 - Interview with The Damage Done
Click here to download this episode!

Welcome to the first episode of Seattle Punk Audio Zine! This episode features an interview with The Damage Done and four songs from their recently-released full-length album Scream All Of Our Cliches. The interview was recorded in Seattle, WA on September 29th, 2009.

The Damage Done is:
Connor - Drums
Chris - Bass, Backing Vocals
Jake - Guitar, Backing Vocals
Ryan - Vocals

Show Notes:

Photo of The Damage Done courtesy of Cameron Collins, all rights reserved.
Direct download: SPAZ001_The_Damage_Done.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:05am EST

I've decided against releasing an introductory episode of the podcast, since it ended up seeming kind of boring and unnecessary. Instead, I'm just writing up this quick post about how I expect the show to function.

The primary format of the Seattle Punk Audio Zine will consist of a 10-25 minute live interview that I've recorded with a band. Interspersed throughout the interview will be 3-5 songs by the band, chosen by me and the artist(s) in question. I'm going to try to stick to this formula as much as possible and post at least one show a month (on the first Monday of every month) that follows this format.

There will probably be some off-format episodes as well. Examples of these alternate programs might be radio-style shows that are primarily music (perhaps chosen based on a theme of some sort), interviews with non-musicians, or live concert recordings. These shows will (hopefully) be posted between interviews as "bonus content" rather than replacing a monthly interview episode.

Episode 001 should be available on Monday, 11/02/2009. It will feature an interview and music from The Damage Done, one of my favorite Seattle bands. I hope you enjoy it.
Category:general -- posted at: 2:01pm EST

Seattle Punk Audio Zine is a brand new podcast that will feature interviews and music by punk bands living and playing in the Pacific Northwest. The first episode will appear in late October or early November and will briefly introduce the show and its format. The first "real" episode will follow within a week, with new episodes appearing on a monthly basis after that.

To get in touch with me about the podcast, you can comment on individual entries here or email me at
Category:News -- posted at: 12:49pm EST