Mon, 16 November 2009
Click here to download this episode!
Episode two is here! This is the first SPAZ Radio episode, featuring eight songs by bands that have played at the Grn Strp Haus in Seattle. Enjoy!
Show Notes:
Thu, 12 November 2009
In an effort to put out at least two episodes of the show each month, I have decided to launch SPAZ Radio. SPAZ Radio will consist of music-only episodes that will appear regularly between interview episodes, featuring songs by local and touring bands that have played shows in Seattle recently. I hope to have a theme for each episode to help pick the music that I play. For the first several SPAZ Radio episodes, the theme will be "Best of Venue". For these episodes, I will pick songs by bands that I have seen play at a specific location in Seattle; the first one will be "Best of GRN STRP Haus"! Since interview episodes come out on the 1st Monday of every month, I'm planning to release SPAZ Radio episodes on the 3rd Monday of every month. However, the first SPAZ Radio episode may be a bit late, since I am just now getting started on it. We'll see!
-- posted at: 5:31pm EST
Wed, 4 November 2009
I've decided to start posting small lists of upcoming shows on a monthly basis. After all, the whole point of SPAZ is to promote local music. The listed shows will mostly be the shows that I am planning to attend or would at least like to attend if I'm able. There are lots of great places on the internet that list shows more comprehensively than I ever could, so I'll leave that to them and just tell you where you might see me! Here are the shows I currently have written down for November:
I will update this list as new shows come to my attention! Update:
-- posted at: 6:37pm EST
Mon, 2 November 2009
Click here to download this episode! Welcome to the first episode of Seattle Punk Audio Zine! This episode features an interview with The Damage Done and four songs from their recently-released full-length album Scream All Of Our Cliches. The interview was recorded in Seattle, WA on September 29th, 2009.
The Damage Done is:
Show Notes: